
Connection during Covid Times

Photograph by Saffu

Photograph by Saffu

So how is it going - this swimming in a sea of uncertainty and concerned watchfulness?  This challenge of staying separate and yet connected, of pulling back while leaning forward.   We all share many of the same hopes, the same fears, the same anxieties, especially during times like these.  Walking around the neighborhood it feels good to offer the friendly smile or nod of the head, acknowledging we are all in this together.

In fact one of my awakenings that I have learned from my clients over the years is that so many of us hold a strong value around connection and a desire for a sense of community.  A value strong enough that if their world were falling sideways this word, this experience of connection would be the one thing with the power to right their ship.  A guiding force toward happiness and health.   

So we all crave connection and likely more so now that we are being asked to hold ourselves separate.  The Corona dilemma.... And our world has gone askew as we hear about so many - one day healthy, the next day seriously ill.  These times call us to open our hearts and change our habits, maybe in some cases not such a bad thing?  And the call goes out to be creative in how we stay connected, how we are supportive and how we stay healthy in our body and mind

I thought I would share some resources and a story, both to inspire and if needed to right your ships during this storm.  All of these are natural stress and anxiety reducers, and stress, much like sugar unfortunately, weakens the immune system.   Let’s all keep our immune systems strong, vibrant, and optimally functioning during this time!


  • I have for years now been Meditating for health, for awareness, and personal growth. Meditation is nothing more than taking a few quiet moments to check in with yourself and ask "How am I right now?  What am I really feeling?  Where am I feeling it?"   And then opening to that vulnerable place, the place we perhaps unconsciously keep hidden away.  I imagine quite a few of us feel some form of anxiety with the uncertainty that surrounds us right now.  These quiet meditative moments give our bodies and nervous systems a chance to find their equilibrium, rebalance and find some spaciousness that was being crowded out with fear and worry.  Let your breath be the self soothing, nurturing presence it is meant to be.  


  • Many of us had a regular practice of Exercise that we can no longer do publicly.  Maybe swimming, weight training, yoga or rock climbing?  And now more than ever with the built up stress or anxiety it is important to find an alternative.  I went to a regular pilates class that kept my body aligned, strong and healthy.  So now what?  There are many online yoga and pilates classes being offered in the safety of your own home, hiking (6 feet apart) in nature with a friend could be a very healthy option, more creatively turning the lights down and having an in-house dance party of your own ( thinking maybe the Kinks or Shins), or quiet, free form movement.  Really anything that helps get us out of our heads and into the beauty of a body in motion!


  • Healthy Diet right now is a must for the internal workings of a healthy body.  We have been cooking at home, actually only my husband has been cooking for our safety, more about that below....I know this is new territory for some, yet now that you have the space and time, cooking for yourself can be very creative and nourishes the mindbody in ways “to go” cannot.  So why not enjoy a new recipe, or spice, or free form food combo!  


  • Laughing and staying connected socially can make the difference between feeling anxious or feeling loved.  Try out the apps Zoom or House Party for a virtual cocktail party, costume party, or open mic stand up.   Friends near and distant are just out there waiting for an invitation!


  • And don’t forget your favorite Local businesses, restaurants and providers who may not be getting that government check soon enough, or ever.  Lend your support by reaching out with an online purchase of a gift card or order that you can use in the future.  Many are providing curbside pick up which I venture to guess is likely more sanitized than a warehouse delivery.  


And now my story.  Personally I have had a challenging month.  I came down with a viral infection that settled in my respiratory system.  I lost my voice literally and maybe figuratively too as I could not write to you my HeartWisdom family.  Actually I myself was a little lost, very distracted and a little fearful not only for myself also for my immediate family, close friends, and our global community.  My symptoms checked all the boxes for Covid19 and seemed to last forever.  Finally after waiting 11 days for my test results to come back I can now joyfully report they are negative!!   This changed my entire perspective - my world got a little brighter, a little bigger, a little less anxious.  This change in perspective was mentally shape shifting and reminded me of a skill I practice with many of my clients, that we define our own reality in many ways.  I still have to manage this ongoing bronchitis, though can do it now without the added weight of “what ifs” and separation.


Right now I am offering my skills as a wellness coach and meditation teacher.  I am happy to lead you in an inquiry or if you like your own personal meditation to help you weather this challenging time.  Or maybe you would like to experience a new, previously unimaginable perspective that lives within?    If you are feeling anxious, fearful, confused, or something else?   I would love to Connect and support you with a few minutes of Wellness Coaching - meaningful, honest conversation, completely free and confidential, completely open-hearted and connecting. 

We are connected !  

Rest and Relaxation

Big Ridge reflections

Big Ridge reflections

We all dream about a little R&R; a beautiful beach, turquoise waters, languid, slow days or perhaps a cabin in the woods with a good book and a babbling creek.  What a vacation that would be!  Maybe in May, maybe next year....

Our bodies need some R&R as part of the balance, part of the ritual of everyday life.  Just like they need exercise, healthy food, a good nights sleep.  Ideally this time would be a part of our daily or weekly life and yet so often more pressing things take over - that never ending to do list, the family responsibility, even the laundry - become more important than balance in the body.  And when you have internal conditions like an illness or a demanding external situation creating stress, then this place of rest and relaxation becomes even more important. 

Our bodies are amazing.  They are resilient, forgiving, strong - until they're not.  They are only human and can absorb only so much stress and strain before they protest in not so pleasant ways.   And if you are listening carefully perhaps they are only asking for a restorative nap.  Or perhaps a long hike alone to an amazing vista.  Or luxurious time spent having an excellent massage.  All of these become valuable gifts to ourselves especially when we add the magical ingredient of being wholly and truly present during these times.  Acknowledging "Hey I see you over there tight left glute muscle, I care about you sore wrist, I feel your fatigue, your weariness AND I am going to take care of you with some loving attention.

For me, my body needs daily resting naps. Whether 20 minutes or 2 hours, this is a time that I go deeply inside and energetically connect with the parts of me that are calling for my attention.  I lie on my back, with pillows placed just so, to support my neck and knees.  I align my joints so no area is curled or twisted, including my fingers and toes, and then I plunge inward.  Ahhh attuned to the sensations and wisdom coursing through.  There are times when this quiet time is when I feel most alive!

And there are no distractions like mentally planning the weekend or researching the next purchase.  If you were talking with a close friend in a time of need, Would you be watching TV or reading a book at the same time???  I doubt it; you would be very present and deeply listening.  Your body is that friend who needs you to be actively present.

So what sounds relaxing for your body right now?  Where is the place you feel completely comfortable?  What is comfort in the body(Now that is a good question!)  With all of the benefits of Leaning In, can you at times give yourself permission to lean back?  I encourage you, no I challenge you, to create some time like this for yourself right now, today.  Don't wait for that fantastic vacation you have planned, because I promise if you start this practice now, that vacation you have planned will be even better, even more enjoyable, not only for you but also for the family or friend who may be at your side.

And of course I would love to hear back about what you find for yourself in that place of rest and relaxation!