
Doing Less and Being More

Seed pods of future growth

Seed pods of future growth

Planting the seeds of growth and potential does not have to be complicated. Just like Mies Van Der Rohes' design adage suggests, Less is More may prove to be very helpful this holiday season. During this time there are so many temptations, distractions, and expectations.  Also it is a time to very much honor your values of family, connection, community and what is most important to you. And interestingly enough if you try to do it all, those values will fly out the window, resulting in dissatisfaction all around, plus some stress and regrets on the side. So.....less is really more.   

 Perhaps one less drink, one less shopping excursion, one less political stance at the family gathering would help create the conditions for an authentic conversation or the feeling of gratitude versus one of overwhelm.   Knowing ourselves, our point of balance, is important during times like these. So what helps you connect to yourself?   A walk in the hood, a replenishing nap in preparation for the big party, even 5 minutes of breathing with the intention of relaxing and releasing, or perhaps getting those colored pens out for a session of coloring???  (Coloring, I found out over Thanksgiving, is a wonderful way to connect with your favorite teenager!)  

The question is;  What are you willing to give up in order to get more of those qualities that makes your holiday sing?   I have found that silencing the "I should be doing this, I should be doing that", though potentially disappointing for the other person, is quickly forgotten when substituted with a quality of being fully present - mentally, physically, and emotionally.   And self care and self knowledge is the important pathway to fully inhabiting the magic of being fully present.  Find the support you need for doing less, and being more!  

Which brings us to More.  If less is more what DO you want more of this holiday season?  Taking some time for setting your intentions can be powerful.   Instead of plowing full steam ahead to be all things to all people (you know this is impossible right?) Give some thought to what you value most in your life and then how to honor that.  More playing-with the young people in your life, more  listening - with your elders, more gestures of generosity and kindness- with the stranger, more heart connection- with those closest, are some suggestions from my playbook.

May the Spirit of the Holiday be present for you!


And here is a gift for you (regifting is also possible! ) - a coaching exercise to help you make the most of your reflection on this past year and the New Year approaching.  A place to voice what is important about this time for you.  A couple of questions to help you articulate what you have learned, (we all hold a lot of past experience and wisdom around this) and a couple of questions to help acknowledge and then imagine what it is you would like to create for yourself in moving forward, perhaps a shift, trying something new, or following through on that long held dream???  And this gift includes a powerful conversation with me, your HeartWisdom Coach.  I look forward to being your resource in exploring new possibilities and your support in embracing change.

If Doing Less and Being More sounds intriguing to you - Let's Talk !

Intentional - or not??

fall leaves

The word intentions gives me such a feeling of confidence and with curiosity I am going to try and explain just why that is.   It is a natural process is something we all go through daily, with awareness or not, so what would it be like to bring a sense of purpose to those intentions?

Intentions in their many forms- intentions with relationships, intentions for your work life, and within your body- are powerful in and of themselves for propelling us forward.   They orient us, remind us, can be self affirming, and are our connection to our hopes and dreams.  Gentler than goals, they encompass not just "doing" aspects of ourselves but also the more abstract realms of "being".   They are a part of our daily life from the moment we get up with the intention of getting to work on time, to deciding  what we eat for lunch or how we spend the evening after a demanding day.

Even going to the grocery store can involve a certain amount of intention and a certain amount of time organizing or assessing the situation.  We ask ourselves "what do I need, what am I missing?"  "What are  the ingredients in that new recipe I want to try?"  "How do I want to plan so there is time in the day for getting there?"  Wow, what would  happen if we gave that kind of attention to the bigger necessities in life??

Like, let's say the Holidays ( you knew I had to go there right??)  How could setting some intentions serve you in being who it is you want to be during this holiday season?   What intentions do you need?  What are you sad about missing during this seasonal time in the past?   What ingredients are necessary in setting the stage and how will you create  them?  What kind of organizing or planning is needed to stack the cards in your favor?

So many would be easier to just cross our fingers and hope for the best and while I am a big believer in Easy, experience tells us that these intentions deserve some time to reflect and plan and dream.  Our most important relationships are on the line, you know the ones that are the life line to our peace and happiness, the same ones that during stressful times can drive us crazy!   And how about our bodies?  A heartfelt connection to what it is that would really help our bodies survive, (thrive?), during this holiday season is worth some thought.

Setting intentions doesn't need to take a lot of time or be one more thing on your to do list.  It could happen on the bus to work in the morning, waiting in line at your favorite food truck, walking the dog, or while in the middle of a sun salutation.   I personally like to write things down and then take a moment to find a gesture in my body that reminds me of who I am and who I want to be out in this demanding world.  I wear a mala around my wrist to remind me of my name and the fresh open possibilities that it represents.

What will you create for yourself this holiday season?  What intentions do you want to remind yourself, gift yourself?  It will be an act of generosity to yourself and the others in your world.

May your Holidays be all that you intend them to be and may you be well.